RaBit is a plug and play, ERP system, based on best practices, in cloud, developed for small and medium sized companies in AEC industries
(architecture, engineering and constructions). What RaBit does is to help managers plan and monitor projects and companies' resources, automate
back-office tasks and offer real-time data in order to take good and informed decision.
Currently 80% of the projects are over budget, 5% of companies resources are spent for offering real time data to the owner. The main reason for this is
the lack of digitalizaion, only 14% of the 280.000 SMEs in this industry being somehow digitalised and the reason for that is the lack of resources, time
needed for implementation and the budget needed to do this. This is what differentiates RaBit: it can be used starting from day one, it's easy to use and
any company can afford it
By implementig this Grant, RaBit follows to achieve the following results: